Friday, June 20, 2014

Thoughts become things... an extent,  yes. Can I manifest a cheeseburger or a million dollars in my bank account simply by thinking? Absolutely not. Will my thinking have an effect on my life? Yes. If I keep my head filled with negative thoughts and emotions I will surely be a negative person. If on the other hand I look for the good and the joy and the fun, then yes, I will probably be a brighter happier person.

If I think I can or I think I can't, I am right. I would buy into this as well. Certainly if I don't think I can accomplish something that is going to set in motion thoughts about not being good enough or being capable enough. While on the other hand if I think that I will try my best and do what I can to accomplish something then I am surely going to have a better outcome.

So despite what Esther and Abraham and The Secret and the rest of the Manifesting/Attraction gurus profess, I can't simply become rich by thinking it. I will not be healthier just by thinking that cancer won't affect me. I won't live in a dream house in a dream land with a dream career just by thinking that I will.

Thoughts become things? To an extent. Thoughts can set us in motion or keep us standing still. That much is indisputable.