Monday, January 27, 2014

Moving out North

The ever present presence
Subtle, benign, loud, omnipresent
Thudding and creak
Quiet withdrawn

Passing by no sound
No speak
No interchange of life
Just the ever present presence

Late at night
Again by day
Passing again in night glow
The ever present presence

Dog Sense and Scents Ability

Find it. He seems to respond to that command and enjoy the sniff, sniff of the hunt. He pulls slightly to get to that next droplet of odor as quickly as he can. Some do some don't. Nose Work? Cadaver work? Search? Fun? Be one of those people with that dog mentality?

What a much to learn and lot's to do with the new addition. He is totally awesome. Deanna picked a winner, however it seems like he has picked me. D and I have talked about the bonding and are working on it but I think it will always be a case of me being primary to the dog. Bums me out but I also think that I can break him in? If that makes sense.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Date Night

Friday night and time for some dinner, coffee and tonight, a trip to Home Depot, then a stop at Nose Work class. Exciting.

St. Hallmark

Celebrated at random times throughout the year and observed by most (US) Americans, St. Hallmarks Day is a day to remember. What are we remembering? Well, what would you like to remember, because, St. Hallmark is the most miraculous of all Saints and can provide a card, some candy or even a stuffed animal                
(or space alien) to help you in your hour of celebratory need.

February 27 words

It was like a wet, asphalt, escalator spread out before him. As he walked down the gently sloped entryway, the rain followed in step. It echoed the footsteps he made on his way down from the street to the parking lot, just outside the warm townhouse they shared.

Rounding the corner at the bottom of the hill he noticed a moving truck and realized to himself that three years had passed and he had know idea who was moving out. He knew from the empty truck interior the movers were here to remove not to bring. There was a time and perhaps in some neighborhoods it still happens, crowds gather, watch, help, laugh, cry, shake hands and hug. Welcome. Good-bye!

He headed inside to write, to place a log by the fire and feed the cat. As he set the log on the hearth and tossed a few treats to the cat, he thought about that moving van, the neighbors and the places, the people he has seen come and go and have seen him come and go. Those simpler times for which he longs.

Every generation, in fact I would think every civilization and iteration of man has longed for when "things were good". When times were simpler. The good ol' days.

Simpler times are always recalled for their style and panache. Life was better. The sky was bluer and the birds all sang and people frolicked in the woods. No one went hungry and everyone worked at a job they enjoyed.

Any attempt to describe the feeling of longing for a simpler time would be trite and meaningless. You can't really describe what you have not been through or witnessed.

It's a longing for the familiar.

WAITING ON THAT RAINSTORM the prediction is or the forecast is 40%. Didn't do what they did and didn't live their life. Wasted time? Waiting for that big break. That moment. My time. Waiting? Wait no more. Take it. There is no time to waste.

Yet, look back on that style and for the most part, the greater portion of, the largest slice of the style pie was hideously horrid shlock. There are the classics for every era, t-shirt and jeans of the fifties, or the tux and tails of the 20's and then there are the oh holy hell moments. Look at some pictures from the 70's. I rest my case.

He longed for a simpler time himself.


People for the Ingestion of Tasty Armenian Food.

There are many benefits to dating a girl with an Armenian Step Family.

An Elaborate Array of Hiding Places

The little toe still hurt. It has been what, three weeks? Long time to heal. There is so much that I need to do. I am torn between sitting here and typing and getting up and loading the dishwasher. Writing seems so much more pleasurable. I fancy myself a writer. I use the blog. I Tweet and Facebook. I even FaceTime and Skype. Occassionally pouring some nonesense from my brain in to the vessel of words.

The music is relaxing but not motivating for action, for contemplation and thought. The oboes and clarinets in time with the violins and cellos. He puts on his glasses to see the name on the screen Tor Aulin. Sweet and cheery the music comes across the room and dances into his middle ear.

He is looking for just the right image to place in the blogpost. The image must convey what the entire post is about with as much clarity as possible. The image must state this in one glance.

Roger Williams of Temecula

Roger Williams (left) of Temecula, CA expresses his appreciation for the
prompt service delivered by In N Out employees Seamus Cowan (center)
and David Collins (right) during Saturday's Grand Opening.

Here, In the Now, lies...

Here in the now lies the answer. Not later, not tomorrow, not then but here in the now. Today. Not "after" anything. After life, after death, after birth, after burner, after the thrill is gone, after we move, after we paint, after we go to the store, after we get a new...that won't and doesn't work. N.O.W., the National Association of When states quite clearly that it is NOW. Today. At this precise time and space.

We just need to go, to move, to set ourselves free, right here and right now. Tick tock. Many have and will talk about the passing of time. Don't waste anymore time talking about wasting time or passing time or wanting time to hurry up...I hope this day never ends. Run up the hill through the tall green grass and be the first to get on the swing. Go! Fly! Swish! and do it all again, then run back down and get a big drink from the garden hose and head across the street to the next adventure.