Monday, January 12, 2015

Odd One Out

Been meaning to post about this for a couple days. While out walking spotted along with all the other landscaping are many daisies (Euryops pectinatus most likely). A search online produced only yellow varieties. So that is one reason to be surprised. Second would be this one plant.

These yellow flowered bushes are seen all over Southern California and tend to blend into the background because they are so common. Never seeing one quite like this photos had to be taken.

Euryops pectinatus

Here is a common Euryops. Bright yellow daisy flowers on a dark green shrub.

Walking through Lake Forest you see many of these shrubs. These are on the slopes along El Toro and Park.

This is the one that was a surprise.
Bright pink flowers in among the yellow. 

Perhaps a separate variety? Has this always been here? No -this is the same route taken for the last year and no pink flowers were ever noticed.

Upon further investigation it was determined this is one part of a plant. 

The yellow flowers on the left and the pink flowers on the right are all growing from the same bush? 

The stem on te left goes to the yellow flowers and the one on the right is to the pink.

What causes/caused this? Soil minerals? Water? Light? The cold?

Next step is to take picture to nursery and ask. Will report back.

Turns out

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