Friday, January 27, 2012

Resolute - Be The 1% Changer

RESOLUTE -adj. Firm or determined; unwavering

RESOLVE - verb. 
to come to a definite or earnest decision about;

RESOLUTE -  n. 1. The state or quality of being resolute; firm determination.

The big problem with resolutions for the New Year is that they are usually too lofty and not specific enough. They are almost always made with great conviction and determination. They are almost always not attained. Most surveys place the failure rate at around 88%.

The idea behind the resolve is usually self improvement, which in and of itself, is a noble pursuit. To remain stuck or worse yet, to move backwards in life is unnecessary, sad and a waste. Time is of the essence when it comes to living, when it comes to improving, when it comes to making this much too brief period of consciousness, as fulfilling and enjoyable as possible. Unfortunately when a resolution is made there isn't always thought given to the amount of time needed to reach that goal. We see how we are now and how we wish to be and we just want it. (Of course we want it or  we wouldn't make the resolve to change.)

So we resolve to lose weight, to exercise more, to be more organized. Days go by and we stick to our plan. We are going to lose weight. We are going to be more organized. We are going to exercise. Weeks go by, perhaps months, but as the time goes by our resolve wains, we lose focus, we give up trying. We set the bar too high or perhaps we really didn't resolve to at all. So. what can we do to stick to it? First we must understand the words we are using and what they truly mean. We are saying we will be firm, determined, unwavering. So our first "resolution" is really about being ready and committed to change. Then we need to set the goal at a manageable level.  I resolve to lose weight, or we will stop watching television should be replaced with a more manageable goal like, I will lose 10 pounds by xx/xx/xxx or, I will stretch every morning for two weeks and then I will stretch twice a day for two weeks or I will watch television for one hour less a night for two weeks then two hours less. Small goals, baby stepping, instead of giant leaps.

Be honest with yourself about what you can commit to. But perhaps an even better resolution to make is to not be so hard on yourself, to not give up or give in. To not think that because you stepped back you can't go forward some more and achieve your goal(s). So what exactly is my point?

My point in all this is that it is great to want to improve yourself, your life and the world in which you live. It is great to want to not waste the time you have here. It is great to set goals. But you must not set a goal that is guaranteed to fail. You must not give up once you begin. So you must resolve to be resolute!

If you are not resolute you are just kidding yourself and basically saying, I think I might want to do __________.  You are dreaming not doing. So before committing to change you must commit to being committed. But don't try to change overnight. If you can change yourself by just 1% each day, just think where you will be in a year.

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