Sunday, August 22, 2010

Houses of the Holy

What is running through my head today is something about priests and nuns in our home and the recent mosque discussion etc. along with a list of the many places I have lived. Every home in which I lived until I left Cardinal Avenue in 1987(Imagine an Irish Catholic Family living on Cardinal Avenue. Would have only been more appropriate if it was Cardinal Ave Maria.).

Serena Road (came after Mohawk - After Donzey...before that?)
Via Rueda
La Cumbre
Alma Aldea
La Fuente
Silver Lantern
Charlinda 1
Charlinda 2
Charlinda 3
Charlinda 4
Rim Pointe

The picture of John F. Kennedy and the current Pope along with the Irish and American flags. The holy water font at our front door. The Catholic equivelant of a Mezuzah.

A constant reminder in every house in which we lived. My home has no such jingoreligiostic icons.

Maybe the prominence of religion in my life or the changes from ...blah blah blah ....can't think right now what to write. shit crap dam today has not been a good day for writing for me. Maybe I spent all my magical writing beans on the writing I had to do for work. That writing is dry, unimaginative and just plain boring. Somedays I just don't seem to have it and today was one of them. I do know that for me a writers block is due to a lack of strong emotion. If I am happy, sad or really mad the words seem to flow out of me with ease.

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