There are times in life when you must say the hell with it. This is that time for me and religion and politics.
I know what I think to be the right way to go through living. That is all that matters. There is zero way to change other humans or the behavior and thoughts of others.
There is a certain amount of humanity that wants to have their ludicrous ideology, their power over others and their penchant for destruction and hatred.
To them I bid adieu.
There are only so many more sunrises and sunsets. For each of them I wish for fun and joy for me. I no longer care to waste a moment on religious ideology or lack there of or political persuasion or lack there of. There is no point in my life for me to bother with either of these schools of thought (and schools of lack of thought).
So vote and pray/prey to your hearts content. I am through. Those in power have and will remain in power. Those who wish to tell you they know the mind and voice of some magical sky fairy have and will continue to obtain their followers and both the religious and the political will continue to live off and rape the earth and the people on it for their own benefit. I will no longer have anything to do with that and that includes discussing these vermin.
Some may say I have given up or given in. I would agree. I have - and I hope that my days remaining, free of caring about the red or the blue or the left or the right or heaven or hell will be filled with joy, with love, with care, for those for whom I wish to care.
It won't be easy. There will be the temptation to "get into it" with someone. There will be the occasional sign of the cross or a political campaign that will bring back those feelings - the wanting to make a difference. The only difference I plan to make is for me and for mine.
"They" haven't won - "they" just haven't beat me.